Professional programmer. Amateur Photographer. Blogger Apprentice.

  • Small redesign and new photography section

    Since I have some free time due to coronavirus outbreak I have made some modifications here: Style changes: Now the page is not “full-dark” and other minor changes. I have added the photography secction. I have added pagination to the blog. Also I want to start writing regularly. Until now... Read more...

  • Optimizing Jupiter garbage collector

    The first version of the Jupiter’s garbage collector was very simple. When a new object needed to be allocated, I just called the new operator, and when it was time to be collected delete. The gc phase triggered when a fixed amount of objects were allocated. As you can imagine,... Read more...

  • Juno IDE

    In January I published Jupiter, a programming language based on Smalltalk. One of its main features is the ‘Unix Friendly’ philosophy, meaning, its source code is stored in plain text files, which is not usual in the Smalltalk world. The plain text source files offers some interesting advantages like integration... Read more...

  • Jupiter programming language

    The last months I have been working in a new side project just for fun: Jupiter, a programming language based on Smalltalk. It features a simple bytecode interpreter virtual machine with a mark&sweep garbage collector. Nothing fancy there, but I added some features to the language that I think are... Read more...

  • Now my simple CSS grid is responsive

    I just updated my simple CSS grid with responsive capabilities :) Features Responsive Fluid ( 100% width ) 12 columns Nomenclature similar to Bootstrap Dead simple implementation: One CSS File 185 lines of uncompressed CSS You can check my Simple Responsive Grid in Github as usual. Read more...